Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Cloudy with a chance of pine needles...

Quips Miss A. as we lay in the tent listening to them sprinkle down onto the tent. Sadly, this was the harbinger of the rain that has chased us home yet again from Acadia. At least it wasn't a hurricane this time!  Thankfully we were able to get in a late afternoon hike up Dorr Mountain.  We saw some great cloud formations over the porcupine islands but the view really was better as we gained altitude. The highway and the industrial buildings definitely distracted on the climb up. We had a fun night at the campground with the traditional campfire eats. And no kid squabbling! With the boys away, Adelaide gets to try on the only child hat for a week. Homeward bound...

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Miss A. Becomes an Expert Pier Jumper!

She only called it a day after 5 jumps! She was the family record holder today. Summer is now in full swing with the abovementioned Magnolia Pier Jumping, bocce at the Boulevard, a double feature at the Milford Drive-in, Fiesta fun and naturally the beach. May the days pass slowly and the summer seem endless!